Cost of Materials, Equipment, Furnishings
This page explains how Renovation Navigation’s approach to the cost of materials, equipment, and furnishings compares to other market participants.
With respect to the client’s cost of materials, equipment, furnishings etc., Renovation Navigation strongly prefers to not charge any mark-up for what is purchased on behalf of the client. This will be the case when the materials, equipment, furnishings etc. are paid for directly by the client at the time a transaction is carried out for the client by the firm.
- The most transparent, cost-effective and easiest approach to accomplish this for both sides is for the client to stipulate under the written contract that, with the assistance of Renovation Navigation, he/she purchases and pays directly for all materials. Of course, such materials already will have been agreed upon by the client and Renovation Navigation.
- Alternatively, the client can authorize Renovation Navigation to use a client’s credit card that is specifically designated for the contracted renovation activities.
- Or specific accounts in the client’s name and for which the client is responsible for paying may be able to be established at the stores/suppliers where purchases take place by Renovation Navigation on behalf of the client.
In either case, there is no incentive for Renovation Navigation to blindly make purchases for our clients regardless of price. Quite the contrary: we pride ourselves on negotiating for the lowest price we can obtain for the product selected by our client. Indeed, because we are paid by the hour, we want you to be pleased with the costs we negotiated for you so that you will have a natural incentive to use us even more.
Renovation Navigation does not wish to be in the finance business. Accordingly, if the client nonetheless requests the Renovation Navigation to pay for the client’s materials, equipment, furnishings etc. on the firm's own account, there will be a sliding monthly percentage surcharge that increases per month to cover risk exposure and any finance charges being borne by the firm for having to wait for reimbursement from the client. This creates a strong incentive for any client choosing to use this route to reimburse the firm as soon as possible.